The Society’s journal has just published a new issue – a special issue on the theme of masculinities!
Edited by French and gender studies specialists Todd Reeser and Kaliane Ung, this exciting issue explores the intersections of feminism and critical studies on men and masculinities (CSMM). The issue opens with an editors’ introduction that details the history of Beauvoir’s relation with CSMM and the role of masculinity in contemporary French feminisms. Articles discuss Beauvoir’s understandings of masculinity and transmasculinity, the ways masculinity and femininity are portrayed in Beauvoir’s and Sartre’s novels, and Beauvoirian readings of works by Henry de Montherlant and Michel Houellebecq. The issue features recipients of the inaugural Patterson Prize / Prix Patterson competition: a study of transatlantic existentialism by Mickaëlle Provost (Francophone laureate) and a Marxist feminist interpretation of Beauvoir’s play, Useless Mouths, by Anne van Leeuwen (Anglophone laureate). Readers will also find book reviews considering the lives and works of men — Aimé Césaire, Nelson Algren, and Jean-Paul Sartre — who were significant in Beauvoir’s life in different ways. Finally, the issue includes a memorial tribute to Yolanda Astarita Patterson, editor of SdBS and President of the International Beauvoir Society for more than thirty years. Table of Contents / Table des matières Editor’s Introduction / Présentation du numéro [Free Access / En accès libre] Todd Reeser and Kaliane Ung Texts / Textes "Masculinity as an Impasse: Beauvoir’s Understanding of Men’s Situation in The Second Sex" Manon Garcia "Le 'ménage des Tolstoï' vu par Henry de Montherlant et Simone de Beauvoir : lectures croisées" Pierre Damamme "Transcendence and Immanence in Michel Houellebecq’s Les Particules élémentaires" Dan Nabil Maroun "Les personnages féminins et masculins à l’épreuve du mentir-vrai dans L’Invitée de Beauvoir et L’Âge de raison de Sartre" Justine Muller "Trans Auntologies: The Second Sex and the Ethics of Transmasculinity" Mat Fournier Patterson Prize / Prix Patterson Presentation of the Patterson Prize / Présentation du Prix Patterson [Free access / En accès libre, English and French / anglais et français] Jennifer McWeeny and Claudia Bouliane Prix Patterson 2021 (Francophone laureate) "Un existentialisme transatlantique : penser la pluralité des oppressions à partir de Simone de Beauvoir" Mickaëlle Provost Patterson Prize 2021 (Anglophone laureate) "Useless Mouths: Value, Women’s Work, and the Struggle against Exploitation" Anne van Leeuwen Book Reviews / Recensions critiques Note from the Book Review Editor / Note de la responsable des recensions [Free Access / En accès libre] Marguerite La Caze Resolutely Black: Conversations with Françoise Vergès by Aimé Césaire Katerina Gonzalez-Seligmann Never a Lovely So Real: The Life and Work of Nelson Algren by Colin Asher Jean-Pierre Boulé Sartre et Beauvoir, roman et philosophie by Jean-François Louette Anne Strasser Order an institutional subscription to Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) and your campus will receive immediate access to more than 400 articles (Volumes 1-32, 1983-2022) that have never before been available digitally ( Become a member of the International Simone de Beauvoir Society and receive a free individual print or electronic subscription to SdBS ( SdBS is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, and multi-genre journal that publishes cutting-edge works in English and French on a wide range of contemporary topics. SdBS is published twice per year and is available in digital and print formats. To submit a manuscript for publication, please visit
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