SdBS Featured Translation 2021
It is with great pleasure that the editors of Simone de Beauvoir Studies announce that the SdBS Featured Translation of 2021 has been awarded to Sylvie Chaperon for her path-breaking article “Outcry over The Second Sex.” The article, which was originally published in French in 1999, was translated into English by Sophia Millman and is now available to Anglophone readers for the first time as the lead text in Volume 32.1 of Simone de Beauvoir Studies. “Outcry over The Second Sex” is one of the first studies of the French reception of Beauvoir’s magnum opus in the years immediately following its publication (1949-1951). Chaperon’s historical analysis of more than thirty reviews of The Second Sex that appeared in French journals and newspapers not only gives insight into the complicated political landscape of post-World War II France, but also reveals social attitudes toward gender, sexuality, and feminism prevalent at the time. “Outcry over The Second Sex,” marked the beginning of a new era in Beauvoir studies when it was first published because it understands European history through Beauvoir’s oeuvre and illuminates Beauvoir’s oeuvre through the study of history. Revisiting Chaperon’s path-breaking article today in its English translation invites us to think comparatively, noting similarities and differences not only between Beauvoir’s time and our own, but also between the history of Francophone and Anglophone receptions of her work. Sylvie Chaperon is professor of contemporary history of gender at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès. Her research focuses on Simone de Beauvoir, the history of women’s movements and feminism, and the history of sexology in France. She is the author of Les années Beauvoir (1945-1970) (Fayard, 2000) and Les origines de la sexologie (1850-1900) (Louis Audibert, 2008), as well as a number of articles on feminism, gender, and sexuality. Please join us in congratulating Professor Chaperon on her outstanding article and her invaluable contributions to Beauvoir studies and global scholarship! To nominate an article for the SdBS Featured Translation 2023 / 2023 Traduction annuelle, please see the nomination requirements at Past Honorees of the SdBS Featured Translation / Traduction annuelle 2019: Emmanuel de Saint Aubert, “The Blood of Others: Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Simone de Beauvoir” (SdBS 30.1 and SdBS 30.2) 2020: Margaret A. Simons, “Richard Wright, Simone de Beauvoir et Le Deuxième Sexe” (SdBS 31.1) 2021: Sylvie Chaperon, “Outcry over The Second Sex” (SdBS 32.1) 2022 : TBA (SdBS 33.1, October 2022) Order an institutional subscription to Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) and your campus will receive immediate access to more than 400 articles (Volumes 1-32, 1983-2022) that have never before been available digitally. Become a member of the International Simone de Beauvoir Society and receive a free individual subscription to SdBS. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Jennifer McWeeny with any questions: [email protected].
A new issue of Simone de Beauvoir Studies has just been published and is available here. This issue opens with the winner of the 2021 SdBS Featured Translation Prize / Prix de la traduction annuelle: Sylvie Chaperon’s pivotal article “Outcry over The Second Sex” (“Haro sur Le Deuxième Sexe”), which is now available to Anglophone readers for the first time. The article marked a new era in Beauvoir studies when it was first published because it understands European history through Beauvoir’s oeuvre and illuminates Beauvoir’s oeuvre through the study of history. SdBS 32.1 also includes articles and reviews of The Inseparables, Beauvoir’s 1954 novella that was published for the first time in 2020; research articles on sexual violence in refugee camps, pregnancy, motherhood, and feminist politics; and a political memoir of a family who immigrated to France from Tunisia in 1951.
Un nouveau numéro de la revue Simone de Beauvoir Studies vient d’être publié et est disponible ici. Il s’ouvre sur l’article lauréat du Prix de la traduction annuelle / SdBS Featured Translation : la contribution majeure de Sylvie Chaperon, « Haro sur Le Deuxième Sexe » (“Outcry over The Second Sex”), rendue accessible au lectorat anglophone pour la première fois. Sa publication avait contribué à initier une nouvelle ère pour les études beauvoiriennes en cela que l’article appréhende l’histoire européenne au travers de l’œuvre de Beauvoir, tout en éclairant l’œuvre de Beauvoir grâce à l’étude de l’histoire. Le numéro 32.1 inclut aussi des articles sur Les Inséparables et des recensions critiques de ce récit écrit en 1954 mais seulement paru en 2020. On y retrouve également des articles savants sur la violence sexuelle dans les camps de réfugiés, sur la grossesse et la maternité ainsi que sur des enjeux politiques féministes. Enfin, on peut y lire un essai personnel réfléchissant d’un point de vue sociologique aux implications politiques du parcours d’une famille immigrée en France depuis la Tunisie en 1951. Table of Contents / Table des matières Editor’s Introduction / Présentation du numéro [Free Access / En accès libre] Jennifer McWeeny Featured Translation / Traduction annuelle Outcry over The Second Sex Sylvie Chaperon Texts / Textes Des Inséparables aux Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée Éliane Lecarme-Tabone À propos des Inséparables de Simone de Beauvoir Philippe Devaux Caught in the Crossfire between Being a Woman and Being a Refugee: The Politics of Refugee-Camp Sexual Violence Debra Bergoffen Risking Life versus Giving Live: Revisiting Simone de Beauvoir Sameema Zahra Husserl, Beauvoir, and the Problem of the Sexes: Standpoint Epistemology and Feminist Politics Amie Leigh Zimmer L’héritière Joëlle Palmieri Note from the Book Review Editor / Note de la responsable des recensions [Free Access / En accès libre] Marguerite La Caze Book Reviews / Recensions critiques Les Inséparables by Simone de Beauvoir Ursula Tidd Les Inséparables par Simone de Beauvoir Jean-Louis Jeannelle Sex, Love and Letters: Writing Simone de Beauvoir by Judith G. Coffin Ellie Anderson Order an institutional subscription to Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) and your campus will receive immediate access to more than 400 articles (Volumes 1-32, 1983-2022) that have never before been available digitally ( Become a member of the International Simone de Beauvoir Society and receive a free individual subscription to SdBS ( SdBS is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, and multi-genre journal that publishes cutting-edge works in English and French on a wide range of contemporary topics. SdBS is published twice per year and is available in digital and print formats. To submit a manuscript for publication, please visit Commandez un abonnement institutionnel à la revue Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) et votre campus bénéficiera d’un accès immédiat à plus de 400 articles (Volumes 1-32, 1983-2022) jamais disponibles en version numérique auparavant ( Devenez membre de l’International Simone de Beauvoir Society et recevez un abonnement personnel gratuit à SdBS ( SdBS est une revue multidisciplinaire arbitrée par des pairs qui publie des articles de pointe en anglais et en français sur un large éventail de sujets contemporains. SdBSparaît deux fois par année et est accessible en formats numérique et imprimé. Pour soumettre un manuscrit, veuillez visiter |