A new issue of Simone de Beauvoir Studies has just been published. Please find the Table of Contents for Volume 33, issue 1 below and the full issue at www.brill.com/sdbs.
This latest issue includes articles that attend to Beauvoir’s writing style in her literary works as much as her philosophical ones. From examining dialogic techniques and motifs in Beauvoir’s essays and novels to considering Beauvoir’s connections and differences with authors such as Violette Leduc, Luce Irigaray, Judith Butler, and René Descartes, these explorations grow from the idea of writing in dialogue. The lead article of the issue is a previously unpublished French transcription of a recording Beauvoir made in the United States in 1947 on the topic of existentialist theater. Readers will also find the winner of the 2022 Featured Translation: an article by Nancy Bauer on Beauvoir’s philosophical voice. This issue also contains the journal’s first review essay, which compares the English translations of Les Inséparables, as well as reviews of books on the theme of temporality. Table of Contents / Table des matières Volume 33, Issue 1 Editor’s Introduction / Présentation du numéro [Open Access / Accès libre] Claudia Bouliane Texts / Textes Le théâtre existentialiste Simone de Beauvoir Beauvoir enregistrée : Le théâtre existentialiste expliqué aux Américains Dennis A. Gilbert Featured Translation 2022 / Traduction annuelle 2022 Je suis une femme, de là je pense : Le Deuxième Sexe et les Méditations Nancy Bauer Gin, Tonic, and Other Delicious Combinations: The Ethics of Ambiguity’s Literary Style Kayla Morgan Dold L’Invitée de Simone de Beauvoir et Ravages de Violette Leduc : politiques du roman parlé Mireille Brioude Le féminisme et son trouble Cécile Decousu The Lightscape as Literary Motif for Inequality in Les Belles Images, The Mandarins, and America Day by Day Amber Bal Note from the Book Review Editor / Note de la responsable des recensions [Open Access / Accès libre] Marguerite La Caze Review Essay / Recension comparée This Time We Didn’t Wait: The Simultaneous English Translations of Simone de Beauvoir’s Les Inséparables Carolyn Shread Book Reviews / Recensions critiques Meryl Altman, Beauvoir in Time, Boston, Brill, 2020 Lori Marso Geneviève Pruvost, Quotidien politique : Féminisme, écologie, subsistance, Paris, La Découverte, 2021 Marie-Anne Casselot Order an institutional subscription to Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) and your campus will receive immediate access to more than 400 articles (Volumes 1-33, 1983-2023) that have never before been available digitally (www.brill.com/sdbs). Become a member of the International Simone de Beauvoir Society and receive a free individual print or electronic subscription to SdBS (https://beauvoir.weebly.com/).
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