For our Portuguese speaking friends!
Visit their Facebook page: Learn about the project: *** Quer participar? Conhece alguém que tem interesse em conhecer a obra de Simone de Beauvoir? Inscreva-se no formulário para receber o link do encontro: No nosso Terceiro Encontro, vamos discutir o texto Deve-se queimar Sade? e contaremos com a presença do Mestre Guilherme Diniz. Encontramos vocês no dia 13 de Outubro!
October 5th, Tuesday, 2pm (CEST, Leuven time).
Prof. Maren Wehrle (Erasmus University Rotterdam) will speak on: "Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler on 'Becoming Gender'" Register to receive the zoom-link and the text for discussion (see below). The presentation of Prof. Wehrle is part of our online-lectures on "Women in Phenomenology. Pioneers, Philosophers, Feminists”. The presentation (in English) will be limited to 15-20 minutes to facilitate discussion. Discussion will be based on the presentation and on a text which we will send in advance to the interested participants of this event. To receive the text for discussion and the link for the Zoom-meeting, please send an email to: [email protected] This lecture series is part of the FWO-project (3H180707): "Exploring the Limits of the Eidetic Method: Three Female Pioneers in Early Realist Phenomenology“. Pour sa quatrième édition, le Symposium de philosophie féministe vous invite à interroger l'espace et le temps, à (re)considérer la façon dont ils se consomment et s'habitent.
| Date limite: 1er octobre 2021, 23h59. Pour nous faire parvenir vos propositions, c'est ICI. |
November 2024